Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Emily Masengale, CEO of Christel House Indianapolis
Office Address: 3808 Shelby St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46227
Office Phone Number: 317-783-4686 ext. 2020
Email Address: emasengale@chschools.org
Chief Academic Officer (CAO)
Tracy Westerman, CAO of Christel House Indianapolis
Office Address: 3808 Shelby St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46227
Office Phone Number: 317-783-4690
Email Address: twesterman@chschools.org
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)
Tarrell Berry, CSO of Christel House Indianapolis
Office Address: 3808 Shelby St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46227
Office Phone Number: 317-783-4690
Email Address: tberry@chschools.org